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  >  Blog   >  Passion Project – My own website SlimeMakers.club

Passion Project – My own website SlimeMakers.club

I would like to make a website about slimes, making them, and a shop as my Passion Project for my school.

Below I will describe how I did it step by step. The final result you can see as this site.

Before to do something it is necessary to understand what do you need.


  • Homepage with big slime photo
  • Questions: Slime history, fun facts, stories, why it’s popular now, etc
  • Recipes of slimes. Ingredients, photos, description of how to make it 
  • Feedbacks
  • Shop, to sell slimes made by me
  • Contacts

I sorted requirements by priorities, we analyzed what I need. It looks like – I need a blog site (collection of posts/publications/stories) with some additional functions (like a shop).

The most common tool in the World for blogs is WordPress.


  1. Choose a name for a site
  2. Setup WordPress somewhere on the Internet
  3. Find a theme for my site
  4. Make site structure (menu) and fulfill information inside the site (make posts)
  5. Decorate it a bit


I need to buy a name for my site. godaddy.com probable is the best tool to choose names and register your sites. I considered a lot of names for my site. Finally, I chose slimemakers.club Daddy bought it for me.

I’m just only a kid. I can’t set up the site by myself. But I can buy a ready one on the Internet. The best site-making tool for my requirements is WordPress. The best options to easily borrow a device with WordPress is digitalocean.com or lightsail.aws.amazon.com I chose LightSail because it is simplest and one month free of charge.

We spent a lot of time with my aunt to find a suitable theme (design) for my site. We have found one – the Cocco theme. It has all I need – very cute kids’ design, and a lot of ready-to-use pages – main page, blog, shop, products, cart, etc. 

We bought it and I upload it to my site. 

I just kept pages witch I need and delete the rest.

I was amazed because “shop” worked from “the box”. I can make a products, add them to cart, buy it – all works. I need to do nothing! Great!

In addition, I even get a “Wishlist” (it was not planned).

I customized a bit site setting. 

Then I customize a menu for my site.

My site was almost ready and worked perfectly. But I need to fulfill the information. First of all – I add posts to the site. I can tell you a secret – the “Blog” and the “Slime recipes” are the same things 🙂 It is just only the posts (publications) with different categories.

It was quite easy for me to make posts. It like a constructor. You need to combine the different kinds of blocks (like title, text, image) to make a post.

First of all – I wrote all of the text for a whole post. Then I uploaded photos and insert them between texts. Sometimes I made some customizations by myself or asked my family to help me. In the end – I publish my post.

I learned a lot how to make a site by myself, how to make and edit posts. It was an amazing experience for me, I learned a lot of new things, I was happy to did this job.

The hardest thing for me was to generate the ideas, to choose which way to make it better because WordPress is very flexible, you need to pretend what you want.

I have to say that I was lucky because we found a very suitable theme for my site. More than I needed was done by the authors – we don’t need to program anything. All that I do – I just cut pages which I don’t need and customize the rest… And decorate it a bit 🙂 I spend the majority of my time on slime making.

Wow! I received first comments, I need to check and approve them. I’m excited and I even afraid read them:

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