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History Of Slime

Slime was invented by Mattel Toys in 1976. While creating slime, the toy company wanted the oozing substance to be gross as possible. Thus, slime was first created as a light green material which you could find in a little green trash can. The trash can toy was sealed with a lid to keep the slime fresh and ready for use. Children all around the U.S. loved this oozing slime.

Mattel saw slime as a huge hit and continued to develop the toy until 1990. The goal was to make the slime just as gross as the first time. Thus, Mattel decided to place fake worms or eyeballs inside the green slime. It was the dream for kids who enjoyed pulling pranks. After making the grossest slime Mattel could think of, the company then developed a board game called “The Slime Monster”. This was based on trying not to get your piece slimed on if you lost.

Once other toy companies saw the popularity of this game rise, slime became the new toy focus. Kenner toys were one of the first companies to jump on the slime train. Kenner developed two board games which derived from the 1984 Ghost Busters film but used slime for the monsters. The company saw how popular the slime was and created more Ghostbuster toys with slime.

Other popular media entities, such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Nickelodeon, developed their own forms of slime. Slime slowly began to decline after these organizations and companies stopped creating more oozing material. However, today, slime has picked up its popularity again. Today, you can make slime any way you want! It doesn’t have to be gross, but if you want it gross you can do that as well! If you want to learn how to make slime, check out our step-by-step Slime Recipes!

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